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14 Glenwood Road Stoneleigh Surrey KT17 2LZ


Erection of a two storey side extension following demolition of existing garage.


  • Validated :

  • Sun 19th September 2021

Location Google Maps

* map location should not be relied on for accuracy

Documents 22 files

Published Document type View
07/10/2021Neighbour Notification List
16/09/2021Application Form
16/09/2021Application Form
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Existing
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021Plan - Proposed
16/09/2021OS Extract
16/09/2021OS Extract
16/09/2021Plan - Existing

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