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10 Love Walk London Southwark SE5 8AE


Demolition of all buildings on site and comprehensive redevelopment to provide a part-three and part-four storey new care home (Class C2 - Residential Institutions), including up to 63 bedrooms each with wet room, plus cycle parking, refuse/recycling stora


  • Received :

  • Tue 6th February 2024

  • Validated :

  • Tue 6th February 2024

Location Google Maps

* map location should not be relied on for accuracy

Documents 91 files

Published Document type View
09/02/2024Valid Application Letter
09/02/2024Neighbour Notification List
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
07/02/2024Plan - General
06/02/2024Application - Form (Without Pers
06/02/2024Air quality assessment
06/02/2024Tree survey or Arboricultural im
06/02/2024Daylight/Sunlight assessment
06/02/2024Service Management Plan
06/02/2024Design and Access statement
06/02/2024Drainage strategy
06/02/2024Biodiversity survey / ecology as
06/02/2024Biodiversity survey / ecology as
06/02/2024Biodiversity survey / ecology as
06/02/2024Biodiversity survey / ecology as
06/02/2024Flood risk assessment
06/02/2024Flood risk assessment
06/02/2024Flood risk assessment
06/02/2024Flood risk assessment
06/02/2024Flood risk assessment
06/02/2024Plan - General
06/02/2024Heritage statement
06/02/2024Fire Statement
06/02/2024Noise impact assessment
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Ground investigation report
06/02/2024Transport assessment
06/02/2024Transport assessment
06/02/2024Energy statement
06/02/2024Vent/extraction statement
06/02/2024Travel plan
06/02/2024Site - Location plan
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Site - Block plan
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Site - Block plan
06/02/2024Plan - Existing
06/02/2024Plan - Existing
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Photographs and photomontages
06/02/2024Site - Block plan
06/02/2024Plan - Proposed
06/02/2024Site - Block plan
06/02/2024Application - Covering letter
06/02/2024Planning statement

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