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188 Camberwell Grove London Southwark SE5 8RJ


Listed Building Consent for the replacement of the windows and doors on the property with timber slim lite double glazed replacements.


  • Received :

  • Fri 1st March 2024

  • Validated :

  • Tue 2nd April 2024

Location Google Maps

* map location should not be relied on for accuracy

Documents 24 files

Published Document type View
02/04/2024Valid Application Letter
02/04/2024Neighbour Notification List
02/04/2024Site notice
02/04/2024Press Notice
01/03/2024Application - Form (Without Pers
01/03/2024Site - Location plan
01/03/2024Design and Access statement
01/03/2024Plan - General
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Heritage statement
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Existing
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed
01/03/2024Plan - Proposed

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