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1 Pool Road Otley LS21 1HL

Otley Parish


Alterations to bungalow to form dwelling house including new first floor, single storey extensions to front elevation; new entrance position including porch to side ; new insulated render external finish; solar panels to all but north elevation and new chi


  • Validated :

  • Tue 23rd January 2024

Location Google Maps

* map location should not be relied on for accuracy

Documents 17 files

Published Document type View
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment
23/01/2024Non-Material Amendment

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